Why use the 3D Approach
Positive outcomes for both individuals and partners were widely recognised by participants in research carried out by Community Enterprise with our stakeholders in 2021. Exploring the pathways through which this impact was achieved formed a key element of this research. A range of key aspects of 3D Drumchapel’s approach were identified within this as mediating factors that enabled outcomes to be achieved. These included:
Buy-in from all staff, management, and volunteers: into the ethos and values of organisation (and putting these into practice). This was felt to be pivotal in creating a welcoming, non-judgemental environment where learning, development and support could take place.
The development of long-term relationships: with families, the community, and partners. Seen to be essential for breaking down barriers, building rapport and trust and encouraging active engagement of parents and families.
Effective community engagement: fostering co-design over services was felt to build a sense of ownership and pride over the services and activities on offer. This was also seen as vital to ensuring 3D met the needs of local families and accurately voice local priorities to a wider audience.
Focus on peer support: linked to improvements in social and emotional wellbeing and reduction in feelings of anxiety, depression, and isolation. Also seen to foster skills development and learning.
Being innovative, creative, and flexible: as an organisation 3D was credited with the ability to quickly shift to meet changing needs and challenges. This was felt to impact positively on organisational sustainability as well as on a range of individual service user outcomes. Impacts of this were also highlighted from partners recognising and responding to this approach.
Commitment to collaborative approaches: strongly linked to 3D’s leadership of Drumchapel Early Years Network(now called Drumchapel Children & Family Network). Willingness to share and encourage best practice, new methods and lifelong learning amongst partner and statutory organisations was praised as having ripple effects of practice and policy across the sector.